
Broadcast Production

Working closely with our partners, we provide broadcast-engineered solutions and support for news, OB, studio and radio facilities, that allow our clients to create and deliver content 24/7.

Calrec Artemis audio console in Mobile TV Group's OB truck.

Audio at the heart of broadcast

Audio is at the centre of changing broadcast requirements. Building the right production platform that allows expansion for the future requires specialist knowledge and partners. From traditional broadcast consoles, remote production and audio networking solutions (AoIP), to third-party integration workflows, Group One has the experience and solutions to guide you through.

Shining light on studio & events programming

Avolites and Elektralite provide a range of lighting solutions that meet the growing and changing demands of television and film facilities. From powerful LED blinders suitable for location and stage, to high-spec dimmable fixtures, we can provide cost effective lighting for any environment.

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